Agromeliorant is a superporous bio-coal made from organic raw materials by cold firing. Biochar is very stable and remains in the soil for thousands of years, binding and retaining trace elements and minerals until it gives them to plant roots with the help of symbiotic bacteria.
Appearance: porous amorphous substance of black color
The sorbing material is intended for the production of sorbing blocks for filtering devices and equipment for the elimination of oil product spills on land and at sea.
Appearance: porous amorphous substance of black color
Adsorption activity
by benzene
The heat-insulating mixture (HIS) is intended for use in thermal insulation in ferrous metallurgy to protect the liquid metal mirror in cast iron, steel casting ladles during siphon casting of steel and insulation of profits from cast iron and steel.
Appearance: Grey powder, odorless
Mass fraction of carbon (C)
Mass fraction silicon dioxide (SiO2)
Mass fraction
aluminum oxide (AlO 1)
Mass fraction
iron oxide (Fe2O3)
Mass fraction
Magnesium oxide (MgO)
Mass fraction of moisture